auto dialler

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Thats what the dialer should ask for. Just use an analog a digital playback available at RAdioshack, up to 30 seconds of playback. Run you microcontroller on a clock program that waits xseconds and then dials a randomly generated pnhone number, or from a large list (may require seperate EPROM for library). Have it linked to the dialer of any phone (you will have to research the frequencies to send), or build an arm device to punch the numbers using servos and hydrolics. Its mostly about programing, and you will have to learn it through trial and error. Just remeber that you need to assign the pins to a single function, and use the I/O ports wisely, you may only need 12 or 14 outputs, but only 2 input if you dont uese the arm.
Everyone is joking as this person did not leave any details. Does it connect to the phone line, signal through the mouth piece, etc. etc.
You haven't given too much to go on, unless you just need some pointers where to look. There has been a rather good link provided as a response to the less detailed help requests, which I believe, will increase the quality of this forum, so I will provide that first. Be aware that it is directed at those with school projects, but I think it is real good info for anyone getting help:
Best wishes
You want to make an auto dialer project.

first you must have one mikrocontroller to held what is going on the project. When i was make this project two years ago i was used 16f819 to make dtmf tones with 20Mhz xtal. and then send it to phone line.
I want world peace (hey, it doesn't hurt to ask and has about as much chance as an auto dialer in this forum).
I can see this is going to be a hot thread! While we we are at it I would like to request an Ion propulsion device. I want to make a time capsule to send into outer space. Hey, speaking of time capsules maybe in a couple of years craciun could come back here to see if everyone got what they wanted!!! Just kidding.
I hope craciun hasn't taken my silly jokes too seriously.. Let the flames continue.
How will this auto-dialer know what number you want to dial? Maybe you should have asked for a telekinetic->autodialer interface first, get your devices in order! Oh and don't forget to ask for a phone line!
Reply is

An auto dialer can be made with micro controller . For this, you can use a DTMF IC.A DTMF IC can generate required frequency needed to dial a no. The no. must be saved in micro controller.If you find more details please post it to me.
milanrock said:
An auto dialer can be made with micro controller . For this, you can use a DTMF IC.A DTMF IC can generate required frequency needed to dial a no. The no. must be saved in micro controller.If you find more details please post it to me.

Try reading the dates on posts you reply to! - this thread is over a year old!.
Worth the wait tho Nigel Can't wait for next years installment

Only Joking I have (as I am sure many others) "projects" that I want to do that are well over a year old, it's not a problem for me to re-visit stuff
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