AT 89c51 and LCD

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Peter Nabil

New Member
Hi every single one how r u doing??

Well i have an LCD HD44780U (16 pin) and i wanna connect it to the AT 89c51 and so i did but the problem is when i open the cct. nothing at all appears on the LCD although every thing is connected very well so if u PlZ read my program and tell me if there is any thing wrong with it thax a loooooot

ORG 0H ;
Mov A, #38 H ; Init LCD 2 lines, 5*7 Matrix
LCALL Command ; Issue command
LCALL Sarah ;
Mov A, # 'A' ;
Mov R0, # 30 H; RAM address pointer
Mov R1, # 40 ; counter
Again: Mov @R0, A ;
I NC R0;
DJNZ R1, Again
Mov R2, # 16 ; counter
Mov R0, # 30 H ; RAM address pointer
LCALL Juliet
Mov A, # 40 ; write at the second line
LCALL Command
Mov R2, #16 ; counter
Mov R0, # 30 H ; pointer
LCALL Juliet

Juliet: Mov A, @R0 ; Move from RAM to A
INC R0 ; increment pointer
DJNZ R2, Juliet ;
LCALL LCD_Delay ; 2 Seconds delay

Sarah: Mov A, #0E H ; LCD on, cursor on
LCALL Command ; issue command
Mov A, #01 H ; Clear LCD command
LCALL Command ; issue command
Mov A, #06 H ; Shift cursor right
LCALL Command ; issue command
Mov A, #80H ; Move to the 2nd line
LCALL Command ; issue command

Command: ACALL Ready
Mov P1, A
CLR P2.5
CLR P2.6
CLR P2.7

Romeo: ACALL Ready
Mov P1, A
CLR P2.6
CLR P2.7

Ready: SETB P1.7
CLR P2.5
Back: CLR P2.7
JB P1.7, Back
LCD_Delay: Mov R4, #07
Pet: Mov R5, #255
Mag: Mov R6, #255
Hera: NOP
DJNZ R6, Hera
DJNZ R5, Mag
DJNZ R4, Pet

Thx again

Can't help with your code, but if you turn the contrast up you should get solid black characters displayed - this happens even without the display connected to a micro.
The HD44780 needs a very complicated initialization procedure upon power ON.

It is not simply as just sending one command. You have to do it several times with some waiting in between.

I suggest you read its datasheet and follow the words on how to initialise the chip to the letter.

Here is my version.
;SUBROUTINES - LCD_INIT				    lcd_init
;FUNCTION: initialise LCD display when power ON
;   ENTRY: none
;   USING: a,r0,r7
;  AFFECT: r7,flags
; CALLING: wait_ms
;          lcd_cmd
        clr p2.7
        mov r0,#lcd_cmd_wr      ;set command register address
	mov a, #30h		;set 30h
	movx @r0,a	   	;send command using MOVX
	mov wait_count,#6	;wait 6 ms  (book >4.1ms)
        call wait_ms
	mov a,#30h
	movx @r0,a		;send 30h
	mov wait_count,#1
        call wait_ms            ;wait 1 ms  (book >.1mS)
	mov a,#30H
	movx @r0,a
	mov r0,#lcd_cmd_rd
$1:	movx a,@r0
	jb acc.7,$1		;wait until LCD not busy
	mov a,#38h		;start formal initialisation
        call lcd_cmd
	mov a, #00001100b	;turn on display & no cursor
        call lcd_cmd
	mov a, #06h		;set increment address counter
        call lcd_cmd
	mov a,#lcd_clr		;lcd clear
        call lcd_cmd
	mov wait_count,#3	;wait 3mS for it to complete
        call wait_ms


Edited: "unitl" corrected to read "until" in code comment.
Jay.slovak said:
Just curious, why did you eblc1388 made that strange "double post"? :lol:

I saw a spelling mistake "unitl" in the code comment but what I really meant is "until".

I have not logged in so when I submit I double posted. I cannot delete my post.
Oh, that explains it... np

BTW I really hate that we are unable to delete our own posts... :cry:
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