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  • Welcome to our site! Electro Tech is an online community (with over 170,000 members) who enjoy talking about and building electronic circuits, projects and gadgets. To participate you need to register. Registration is free. Click here to register now.

asm attachments

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New Member
Is it possibile to enable .asm attachments? I think it would be often useful in the micro controllers forum.
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I don't see the point in attaching code, it's far easier to use [code][/code] tags.
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Wouldn't it be easier to load the asm file into MPLAB if you need to assemble it?
Have you noticed that C and H files are allowed?
submittin for a sample . i shall see whether i could retrieve it
; ****************************************
; * Main loop calls all tasks as needed  *
; ****************************************
        CALL    task_scan       ; Scan the next LED digit.
        MOVF    TMR0,W          ; Place current TMR0 value into W
        XORWF   PREVTMR0,W      ; Lets see which bits have changed...
        MOVWF   TEMP            ; All changed bits are placed in temp for test
        XORWF   PREVTMR0,F      ; Update Previous TMR0 value.
        BTFSS   SECBIT          ; Skip if it is not time to increment second
        GOTO    main_loop       ; Go back to main loop if 250 mS not passed
        MOVLW   b'00100000'     ; Bits 6 and 5 of FLAGS used as divide by 4
        ADDWF   FLAGS,F         ; Add one to bit 5
        BTFSS   TIMENOW         ; Check bit 7 - if four adds occur, skip
        GOTO    skip_timer      ; One second has not passed - skip timers
        CALL    task_scan       ; Scan the next LED digit.
        BCF     TIMENOW         ; Clear out second passed flag
        MOVLW   CLK_SEC         ; Place pointer to increment clock
        CALL    inc_time        ; Increment the clock
        CALL    check_time      ; Check for alarm or timer conditions
        BTFSC   EGGNOW          ; Do NOT decrease timer if zero        
        GOTO    skip_timer      ; Jump out if egg timer is zero
        BTFSC   UPKEY           ; Skip if UP key is NOT pressed
        GOTO    skip_timer      ; Jump out if UP key is pressed
        BTFSC   DOWNKEY         ; Skip if DOWN key is NOT pressed
        GOTO    skip_timer      ; Jump out if DOWN key is pressed
        MOVLW   TMR_SEC_LD      ; Place pointer to decrement timer
        CALL    dec_time        ; Decrement countdown timer
        MOVLW   ALARMCYCCNT     ; Place the number of alarm beeps into W
        MOVWF   ALARMCNT        ; Move beep count to ALARMCNT
        BTFSS   ALARMOK         ; Skip if this is the first pass into alarm
        GOTO    skip_wakeup     ; Second pass - do not re-init ALARMCNT
        BTFSS   ALARMNOW        ; Skip if this is alarm pass
        GOTO    skip_wakeup     ; Countdown timer - do not re-init ALARMCNT 
        MOVLW   ALARMCYCCNT     ; Place the number of alarm beeps into W
        MOVWF   ALARMCNT        ; Move beep count to ALARMCNT
        BCF     ALARMOK         ; Clear flag for second pass
        CALL    task_scan       ; Scan the next LED digit.
        BTFSC   ALARMNOW        ; Skip if alarm clock is not set
        GOTO    send_alarm      ; Blast out a beep
        BTFSC   EGGNOW          ; Skip if countdown timer is not alarming
        GOTO    send_alarm      ; Blast out a beep
        GOTO    skip_alarm      ; Skip beeping and continue
        MOVF    ALARMCNT,W      ; Place ALARMCNT into W
        BTFSC   STATUS,Z        ; Skip if not zero
        GOTO    skip_alarm      ; We are done beeping - skip and continue
        DECFSZ  ALARMCNT,F      ; Decriment beep count and skip when zero
        CALL    buzz_now        ; Blast out the beep!!!
        BTFSS   FLAGS,5         ; Skip if it is time to scan the keys 1/2 sec
        goto    finish_update   ; Jump to finish updates - don't scan        
        CALL    scan_keys       ; Scan the keys and load value into KEYPAT
        CALL    task_scan       ; Scan the next LED digit.
        BTFSS   MODEKEY         ; Skip if the MODEKEY is pressed
        GOTO    same_mode       ; Not pressed so it is the same mode...
        BTFSS   MODEKEYCHG      ; Skip if the is pressing edge
        GOTO    same_mode       ; Button is held so it is the same mode...
        INCF    FLAGS,F         ; Advance the mode by incrimenting bits 0,1
        BCF     FLAGS,2         ; Force mode to wrap-around by clearing bit 2
        CALL    turnon_scan     ; Mode button pressed - must turn on LEDs

        call    task_scan       ; Scan the next LED digit.
        BTFSC   UPKEY           ; Skip if the UP key is not pressed
        GOTO    serve_up_key    ; UP key is pressed - jump to serve it!
        BTFSC   DOWNKEY         ; Skip if the DOWN key is not pressed
        GOTO    serve_down_key  ; DOWN key is pressed - jump to serve it!
        MOVLW   INIT_MODE_COUNT ; UP and DOWN not pressed - re-init mode count
        MOVWF   MODE_COUNT      ; Change back to lower digits for setting
        MOVF    DISPONCNT,F     ; Update Z bit in STATUS reg display on time
        BTFSS   STATUS,Z        ; Skip if displays should be OFF
        DECF    DISPONCNT,F      ; Decriment display ON counter
        BTFSS   STATUS,Z        ; Skip if displays should be OFF
        GOTO    finish_update   ; Displays are ON - jump to finish updates
        BCF     FLAGS,0         ; Restore the mode to displays OFF
        BCF     FLAGS,1         ; Restore the mode to displays OFF
        CLRF    PORTB           ; Clear out segment drives on PORTB
        CLRF    PORTA           ; Clear out common digit drives on PORTA
        GOTO    finish_update   ; Jump to finish updates
        call    task_scan       ; Scan the next LED digit.
        BTFSC   FLAGS,0         ; Skip if not in TIMER or CLOCK mode
        GOTO    no_up_display   ; Currently in TIMER or CLOCK - keep mode
        BTFSC   FLAGS,1         ; Skip if not in ALARM mode
        GOTO    no_up_display   ; Currently in ALARM - keep mode
        BSF     FLAGS,0         ; Set to CLOCK mode
        BSF     FLAGS,1         ; Set to CLOCK mode
        CLRF    ALARMCNT        ; A key was pressed, so turn off alarm
        call    turnon_scan     ; Turn on the LEDs
        BTFSS   MODEKEY         ; Skip if MODE is pressed as well
        GOTO    finish_update   ; MODE is not pressed - jump to finish update
        MOVF    MODE_COUNT,W    ; Update STATUS Z bit for mode count
        BTFSS   STATUS,Z        ; Skip if we have counted down to zero
        DECF    MODE_COUNT,F    ; Decriment the mode count
        call    task_scan       ; Scan the next LED digit.
        MOVF    MODE_COUNT,W    ; Update the Z bit to check for zero
        BTFSS   STATUS,Z        ; Skip if we have incrimented for 7 times
        GOTO    serve_min_up    ; Incriment the minutes digits
        DECF    FLAGS,W         ; Place current mode into W
        CALL    mode_timer      ; Look-up register RAM address for current mode
        CALL    inc_hour_ld     ; Add one hour to the current display 
        GOTO    finish_update   ; Jump to finish updates
        call    task_scan       ; Scan the next LED digit.       
        DECF    FLAGS,W         ; Place current mode into W 
        CALL    mode_timer      ; Look-up register RAM address for current mode
        CALL    inc_min_ld      ; Add one minute to the current display
        GOTO    finish_update   ; Jump to finish updates
        call    task_scan       ; Scan the next LED digit.
        BTFSC   FLAGS,0         ; Skip if not in TIMER or CLOCK mode
        GOTO    no_dn_display   ; Currently in TIMER or CLOCK - keep mode
        BTFSC   FLAGS,1         ; Skip if not in ALARM mode
        GOTO    no_dn_display   ; Currently in ALARM - keep mode
        BSF     FLAGS,0         ; Set to CLOCK mode
        BSF     FLAGS,1         ; Set to CLOCK mode
        CLRF    ALARMCNT        ; A key was pressed, so turn off alarm
        CALL    turnon_scan     ; Turn on the LEDs
        BTFSS   MODEKEY         ; Skip if MODE is pressed as well
        GOTO    finish_update   ; MODE is not pressed - jump to finish update
        MOVF    MODE_COUNT,W    ; Update STATUS Z bit for mode count
        BTFSS   STATUS,Z        ; Skip if we have counted down to zero
        DECF    MODE_COUNT,F    ; Decriment the mode count
        call    task_scan       ; Scan the next LED digit.
        MOVF    MODE_COUNT,W    ; Update the Z bit to check for zero
        BTFSS   STATUS,Z        ; Skip if we have incrimented for 7 times
        GOTO    serve_min_down  ; Decriment the minutes digits
        DECF    FLAGS,W         ; Place current mode into W 
        CALL    mode_timer      ; Look-up register RAM address for current mode
        CALL    dec_hour_ld     ; Subtract one hour from the current display
        GOTO    finish_update   ; Jump to finish updates
        DECF    FLAGS,W         ; Place current mode into W 
        CALL    mode_timer      ; Look-up register RAM address for current mode
        CALL    dec_min_ld      ; Subtract one minute from the current display
        call    task_scan       ; Scan the next LED digit.
        BTFSC   FLAGS,0         ; Skip if in mode OFF or ALARM
        GOTO    new_display     ; Jump to update LED display registers
        BTFSC   FLAGS,1         ; Skip if in mode OFF 
        GOTO    new_display     ; Jump to update LED display registers
        CLRF    DISPSEGS_A      ; Clear display regs to Shut off LED display
        CLRF    DISPSEGS_B      ; Clear display regs to Shut off LED display
        CLRF    DISPSEGS_C      ; Clear display regs to Shut off LED display
        CLRF    DISPSEGS_D      ; Clear display regs to Shut off LED display
        GOTO    main_loop       ; We are done - go back and do it again!
        DECF    FLAGS,W         ; Move current mode state into W
        CALL    mode_timer      ; Look-up register address of value to display
        CALL    disp_value      ; Update display registers with new values
        GOTO    main_loop       ; We are done - go back and do it again!
; ****************************************
; * Set up and initialize the processor  *
; ****************************************
        MOVLW   OPTION_SETUP    ; Place option reg setup into W
        OPTION                  ; Set up OPTION register
        MOVLW   PORTA           ; Place beginning of RAM/Port location into W
        MOVWF   FSR             ; Now initialize FSR with this location
        CLRF    INDADDR         ; Clear the FSR pointed memory location
        INCFSZ  FSR,F           ; Point to the next location
        GOTO    clear_mem       ; Jump back to clear memory routine
        BSF     ALM_HOUR_LD,3   ; Place 8:00 into alarm register
        INCF    CLK_HOUR_LD,F   ; Place 1:00 into clock register
        MOVLW   0EEh            ; Turn on display A scan line, others off
        MOVWF   PREVSCAN        ;
        TRIS    PORTB           ; Make all Port B pins outputs.
        TRIS    PORTA           ; Make all Port A pins outputs.
        BSF     FLAGS,1         ; Set up current mode to CLOCK, display ON
        BSF     FLAGS,0
        BCF     ALARMOK         ; Don't want to trigger alarms 
        BCF     EGGOK
        BSF     DISPON          ; Turn on the displays
;        CALL    scan_keys       ; Lets see what is pressed
;        BTFSS   UPKEY           ; Goto self-test if UP key is pressed at pwr up
        GOTO    main_loop       ; Normal operation - Jump to the main loop

; *****************************************************************
; * Self-test code for manufacturing only - test buttons and LEDs *
; *****************************************************************
        MOVLW   b'01110000'     ; Place all key on pattern into W
        MOVWF   CLK_MIN_HD      ; Use CLK_MIN_HD for keystuck ON test
        CLRF    CLK_HOUR_HD     ; Use CLK_HOUR_HD for keystuck OFF test
        MOVF    CLK_SEC,W       ; Current segment display count -> W
        CALL    mfg_led_lookup  ; Look-up the next segment pattern to display
        MOVWF   PORTB           ; Move the pattern to PORT B to display it
        MOVF    TMR0,W          ; Place current TMR0 value into W
        XORWF   PREVTMR0,W      ; Lets see which bits have changed...
        MOVWF   TEMP            ; All changed bits are placed in temp for test
        XORWF   PREVTMR0,F      ; Update Previous TMR0 value.
        BTFSS   TEMP,7          ; Skip if it is not time to increment second
        GOTO    mfg_timer       ; It is not time to move to next digit - go back 
        INCF    CLK_SEC,F       ; Move to the next display pattern
        BTFSS   CLK_SEC,5       ; Skip if we have timed out waiting for button
        GOTO    mfg_doneclk     ; Jump to check for the next button press
        CLRF    CLK_SEC         ; Clear out timer
        CALL    buzz_now        ; Send out a buzzer beep!
        BTFSS   PREVSCAN,3      ; Skip if we have NOT tested the last digit
        GOTO    finish_mfg_test ; Jump to the end after last digit tested
        RLF     PREVSCAN,W      ; Select the next digit through a rotate..
        RLF     PREVSCAN,F
        MOVF    PREVSCAN,W      ; Place next digit select into W
        MOVWF   PORTA           ; Update port A to select next digit
        CALL    scan_keys       ; Scan the keys to see what is pressed...
        MOVF    KEYPAT,W        ; Place pattern into W
        ANDWF   CLK_MIN_HD,F    ; Make shure keys are not stuck ON
        IORWF   CLK_HOUR_HD,F   ; Make shure each key is pressed at least once
        BTFSS   PREVSCAN,3      ; Skip if we are NOT at the last digit
        BSF     KEYPAT,7        ; Set flag bit to indicate we are done!
        MOVLW   .8              ; Place 8 into W
        SUBWF   CLK_SEC,W       ; CLK_SEC - W => W
        BTFSS   STATUS,C        
        CLRF    KEYPAT
        SWAPF   KEYPAT,F
        COMF    PREVSCAN,W
        ANDWF   KEYPAT,W
        BTFSS   STATUS,Z
        GOTO    mfg_nextdigit
        GOTO    mfg_display 
        MOVF    CLK_MIN_HD,F
        BTFSS   STATUS,Z
        GOTO    bad_switch
        MOVF    CLK_HOUR_HD,W
        XORLW   070h
        BTFSS   STATUS,Z
        GOTO    bad_switch
        CLRF    CLK_HOUR_HD     ; Restore temp registers to zero
        CLRF    CLK_MIN_HD      ; Restore temp registers to zero
        GOTO    main_loop       ; Jump to main loop 
        COMF    CLK_MIN_HD,F
        SWAPF   CLK_MIN_HD,W
        MOVWF   KEYPAT
        BSF     CLK_HOUR_HD,7
        ANDWF   KEYPAT,F
        MOVLW   07Fh
        MOVWF   PORTB
        CLRF    CLK_MIN_LD
        BSF     CLK_MIN_LD,5
        CALL    buzz_now_dispon ; Beep the buzzer constantly for a few secs
        DECFSZ  CLK_MIN_LD,F    ; Decriment counter and skip when done
        GOTO    loop_bad_sw     ; Not done buzzing - go back and do it again
        GOTO    mfg_cleanup     ; Done buzzing - clean-up and run clock
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