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  • Welcome to our site! Electro Tech is an online community (with over 170,000 members) who enjoy talking about and building electronic circuits, projects and gadgets. To participate you need to register. Registration is free. Click here to register now.

Anyone know javascript?

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Now i know this isnt a web programming forum, but my question has an electronics application.

Bare with me.

Basically, I want to make a Config Word Generator for the PIC16F627A/628A/648A.

This is how far I've got...
Jake's Electronics | Kits, Tutorials, Projects and More.
(hint: The last 8 radio buttons do not work. Check out the site, and view source to see the code)

I've asked on webhosting/programming forums, but no one has the electronic knowledge and therefore people are stuggling to understand and help.

So, If anyone knows more than me when it comes to JavaScript (which isnt much) please help, because I, as well as others will definity find this tool handy (I think).
If it works!

Also feel free to add ideas or things that could be better....
And what you think of it... Whether its pointless etc...

Sorry don't know javascript. It has enough similarities to C that I can tell you: the bit410 decode (where you assign x, y, z) is in the wrong spot (it should be after you read the value of bit410).

Also, the decode 'if' statements are using an assignment operator ('=') instead of an equality operator ('==').

e.g. if(bit410 = "asdf"){} will set bit410 to contain "asdf". I've attached the page after I mutilated it.


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