an electronic product haven't yet in market

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New Member
anybody can give some ideas of electronic product that haven't yet in market,
as an engineer always creates news and without limit your mind,
just use your imagination...
I am currently working on a matter transfer device in the development stages. My objective is to make it easily affordable for averaged divorced males. They can use it to beam their former wives into the center of concrete walls. I will need a flux capacitor which I hope someone else is developing.

Could you refine it to bring their mother with her there...?

Can offer one for the test.
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Oh, stupid me! For years I was workig on a Flax capacitor. That is what happens to ESL people! Dang! E
Warp Core..and a fully functional tri-corder up linked to transporter..

Be nice to have have a land speeder with extra motivators ..for those emergency situations when a guy may have to impress a woman.
A stock-market price predictor (100% accuracy essential) would be useful.
An automatic stupidity meter.

That way I have a warning system that will give me a heads up on who is stupid and how bad before they ever open their mouth and utter the first word.

In a way it would work like the ignore function on this site being I would never have to listen to anything certain people say, who score above a specific level, unless I willingly choose to.
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An automatic stupidity meter.
Many taxi drivers may predict that on people before they enter the car. No need for that, he

I'd like to see a constant accelerometer device - lightweight and portable, of course. Then there shouldn't be no need for backward force to move an object forward.

[edit - totally off topic]
Anyone seen the Wishmaster movies? That deamon that make anybody's wishes comes true - iin a horrible way. Should be fun having a version of this thread where the djinn's version of our wishes was explained too. (tired now, so bear with me and my twisted humor)
If my wish come through, would the djinn hit me by some rpg?
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Ron, may I help? Please!!! That will be the invention of all time
Just use an "online idea generator"!
Let's see... how about a crispy blood snowmobile? A compact fluorescent forklift? A headline ankle alarm? A screw defroster? A bottle violin? An infinite basin umbrella? A neon curtain? A holiday photograph lock? A gas pump spotlight?
Oh, and while you're building the flux capacitor, why don't you go ahead and build the rest of the time machine?
If you really want to be the richest man alive with a new invention make a machine that can read a woman's mind............
If you really want to be the richest man alive with a new invention make a machine that can read a woman's mind............

The Vulcan science counsel has determined that reading a woman's mind is impossible, They are now considering time travel.
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