All About Derstrom8

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MAN I was just doing a survey on derstrom8 and see what I got he's got profiles on dozens of forums man how does he manage it.Really an experienced guy and that proves why he's moderator here :just see
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And lots more just search derstrom8 on google and you will get everything......................

Hi TM, I appreciate the comments

How do I manage it? The secret is that I'm only active on three of the sites you mention in your list. Many of them are very, very old, and some were one-time logins to ask a specific question, and I left when I got the answer. I may go back to some of them if I have the need, but I only visit three of the ones you show on a regular basis

But what are you doing on XDA forums it's an android hacking and modding site for grey hats.Never mind I too am there with the name jacob hargreave(junior member).Hope you keep on visiting there.........
By the way I yesterday I tried to sign up for all about circuits but started getting errors can you please ask the admin there if I am signed in with the same username as in here.
Even saw your spaceship game on scratch nothing bad about it,(liked playing) BTW he other guy was just so ignorant not to understand that you get so less time...
But what are you doing on XDA forums it's an android hacking and modding site for grey hats.Never mind I too am there with the name jacob hargreave(junior member).Hope you keep on visiting there.........
I do some Android app development in my spare time, and I have found XDA forums to be very helpful at times.

By the way I yesterday I tried to sign up for all about circuits but started getting errors can you please ask the admin there if I am signed in with the same username as in here.
I left AAC a few months ago. Many of the new moderators there let the power get to their head, and they are very inconsistent with their moderation tactics. I have a long list of complaints about AAC, so I can't help you much if you're looking to GET an account.

Even saw your spaceship game on scratch nothing bad about it,(liked playing) BTW he other guy was just so ignorant not to understand that you get so less time...
Wow, that one goes back quite a bit! I think the last time I used Scratch was about 8 years ago (just guessing here). It was about that time that I first started looking into programming, and Scratch is a very simple tool that helps the users learn to start thinking like a computer. I quickly moved on to embedded programming (in Assembly and in C) and real computer programming (mainly in C).

I see that!!! The TE site has a good write up... Yeesshh Colin doesn't like you!!!
Well everyone's entitled to their opinion I have always gotten the sense that Colin enjoys putting others down to make himself feel better. He should have stuck to his magazines -- His online presence (his website's wretched layout with poorly-written articles, his bad attitude on the forums, his stolen designs, etc) makes him less than respectable IMO. I don't think he is really in a position to criticize others

I didn't see your name at AAC, so you might want to try again. I like the site - lots of questions.


Have you seen the five EEVblogs where Jones interviews Colin? You might want to cut the old timer some slack. You'll be in his position 60 years from now, not that I'll be here to see how your doing ...
I've had some ego type run-ins with Colin myself on AAC.
He appears to have an over-inflated sense of his circuit design abilities (a legend in his own mind, as it were).
(And I'm not that far from his position in time, so being an "old timer" is no excuse for his attitude or behavior).
My 2c

Matt stable and totally Professional and just a good Guy. Don't take crap as a Mod but does not give people crap either unless called for. And then does not wield an axe and ban because he can.

Same as Jim and Nigel and all the Mods here. Relaxed and totally cool with their non paying devotion and responsibility to keep the site stable without drama.

People with clout but don't abuse it are the best ever. My kinda people.

There is my 2c.

I know because I have traveled that road. Many times here in the past.

Just me

Matt, Colin certainly could be embellishing his story, but that is human nature. My mind's eye saw the BS flag a few times during what I've saw.
Matt was ok, then he wasnt and we didnt get on for a long while. Then I kind of look back and see many misunderstandings, I was beside myself when he was made MOD here, I cried flux for nearly 3 mins!

But he has settled into MOD ship and proved a great asset, over time he has really excelled and been fair with MOD stuff, I would consider him a good friend and trust his judgment. Colin has a bit of a history and has gone from complete muppet to offering help or saying nothing......I dont have an opinion any more on Colin, I am wary of his past but for a good while now he has reigned in everything I disliked.

Ultimately this is a forum and your thrown together with people that in the real world you would never associate with, it caused problems in the past but since being made commercial and moderators actually having some guidance on direction and at the same time being allowed to use there judgment things are light years away from the bad period. Electronics as a hobby has changed massively in 5 years, its kind of dying out a bit as most things we used to have to build from scratch are on ebay as a shield or whatever for less than the cost of a stamp in most countries. But everything is a cycle and ETO will gain top spot as the hobby grows again in popularity. The other place is suffering from over moderation and personal opinions and agendas are replacing good judgment, its a shame when this happens and they will pay the price at some point.

The sad thing being the person who used to help me alot there changed a great deal and now fairness is a thing of the past, but we all make a forum and its everyone's responsibility to make the forum a great place, your always going to get the odd personality clash and thats life. ETO was my first forum ever and despite a period of time away I am happy to be back, I tend not to take offense these days and would like to post more in depth threads on the stuff I do, not so easy at the moment mainly because it takes alot of time to really document a large project and also because alot of the stuff people would find interesting I kind of have hopes to use for real world stuff, so for now its better not to post full details. But I will do at some point, not to show off but as a kind of repayment and thank you to the people who took a 11 year old kid under there wing and got him from learning which end of a soldering iron gets hot, through how to blink and led and ohms law, to the kid who these days likes to build stuff other forums are adamant just cant be done.

On that note one project I have in the pipeline for later in the year could really change quad copters, but it does fall into the cant be done category. Having said that I know it can be done as the first part I have managed, the rest now needs the collective brains on here to make smaller and more efficient. Its going to have to wait though, my main focus is the exams. They are taking alot more time than I had imagined, I didnt expect the work to be as full on as it is, I hadnt actually done the course work as it is two years ahead of me, so catching up has been really hard. But its only a few more weeks then I am free again to smell burning flux and practice my swearing when I get burnt
I should mention that I do appreciate most of Colin's latest posts. No spamming, no flaming, just plain, helpful comments. My only problem is when he starts spamming the forum with links to his website and products (which he hasn't done in a while, thankfully) or bragging about how "successful" (notice the quote marks) his website is, or puffing up his ego. Otherwise, I have no quarrel with him.

Thanks for your comments LG. For the record, I have never held any hard feelings about you. On the contrary, I have a lot of respect for you. You've grown up a lot in the past few years, and I find many of your threads fascinating. Keep up the good work -- You'll go far.
For the record ... I have no argument with Matt critiquing Colin's website and content. Colin did commit a technical error in a recent homework thread about 555 source voltages.

Matt is going a good job as moderator.

There are tons of material lifted from application notes and data sheets without citing the copyrighted datasheet.
You tell it like it is Joe. You good straightforward person

Me too but sometimes I am as subtle as a bull in a China Shop. Working on it though.

You tell it like it is Joe. You good straightforward person

Me too but sometimes I am as subtle as a bull in a China Shop. Working on it though.

When you are as subtle as a Bull in a China shop that will be progress only joking
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