Alarm Clock using oshonsoft

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I take it you want to put a DS1307 on the I2C bus... Here is my DS1307 I2C code using Oshonsoft (If you don't have the use of functions, you may need to change the two sorting routines)

Symbol sda = PORTC.4  'SDA pin
Symbol scl = PORTC.3  'SCL pin

Const rtc = 0xd0
Dim time(7) As Byte
Dim index As Byte


	'Your code
goto main

'Retrieve time values
	For index = 0 To 6
		I2CRead sda, scl, rtc, index, time(index)
		time(index) = rtc_sort(time(index))
		WaitMs 1
	Next index

'Set time values
	For index = 0 To 6
		time(index) = rtc_unsort(time(index))
		I2CWrite sda, scl, rtc, index, time(index)
		WaitMs 10
	Next index

'Unsort time for RTC display array
Function rtc_unsort(dta As Byte) As Byte
	d_hi = dta / 10
	d_lo = dta Mod 10
	rtc_unsort = d_hi * 16 + d_lo
End Function                                      

'Sort time for RTC ram banks
Function rtc_sort(dta As Byte) As Byte
	d_hi = ShiftRight(dta, 4)
	d_hi = d_hi And 7
	d_lo = dta Mod 16
	rtc_sort = d_hi * 10 + d_lo
End Function

You can now just poll getdatetime every cycle and biuld your alarm clock around this code
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