ACPL-782T problem understanding datasheet

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New Member
Hi everyone, I hope I'm posting in the right part of the forum.

I have this component I need to use (ACPL-782T), it's a automotive isolation amplifier that I use for voltage sensing.

(datasheet link: Data Sheet - ACPL-782T-000E, Automotive Isolation Amplifier (718 KB))

The component has Vin+ and Vin- inputs and also Vout+ and Vout- outputs.
The datasheet says it has a gain of 8 (page 6)
So this is what I understand:

(Vin+ - Vin-) = 8×(Vout+ - Vout-)

Can someone confirm that this is how I should understand it?

On page 16 of the datasheet is the recommended circuit for voltage sensing application (I want to stick to it).

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