About VLSI

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Hello to all,
I want the VLSI form , which should be free to register / free log in .
Did you any one site , where I can submits my problems / issues regarding the VLSI.
Why this site is not havening VLSI form , VLSI form should be here ?
bcoz it is good site to Discussion and it is forth coming to learn .

Thank you for reply.:gtoet:
I disagree. Most of us here will never have the opportunity to design a chip and the tools are a bit out the price range for hobbyists. I suggest you find a rabbi at your company who can help you or see if there is a group which is associated with the particular CAD package you are using.
edaboard.com has some forum sections related to IC design.

Papabravo is right, this is a HOBBYIST forum, and it is EXTREMELY rare that a hobbyist would ever design an integrated circuit at home (or even have access to that kind of design software). Look at the type of questions that get asked on this forum on a daily basis, nothing is even CLOSE to the complexity of VLSI.
Thank you for suggesstion ,
Who is rabbi ?
At least we can try for the same.
I was trying to write some think to you, but after some time, i stop myself.
plz reply.
A rabbi is a "teacher" or "distinguished one" in a community. The usual reason for this distinction is wisdom and knowledge. In the law enforcement community it also carries the sense of someone who looks out for you and protects you. It is someone you can go to with any question or problem and receive assistance. There must be one where you work, you have but to find him or her.

See the following article
Papabravo said:
A rabbi is a "teacher" or "distinguished one" in a community.

I have never heard the word rabbi used in the context you have used in this thread.
Guru, I would have not give a second thought to, as it is used everywhere to mean a wise one.
Same meaning, different "religion" I guess.

My big project is "High frequency chip design" at PG level . [ sorry to say. ]
If we/you go through the kang and Lablibicy book ,Nile waste book to get some idea to work with VLSI on microwind , LASI for home research and again there is mosis.com for ready help.
I keep this think for personal use and for beginners who will help themselves .
And I am a student of Mtch [ VLSI ]
A hope is the beginning !.
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