a question to do a detector

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Hello everybody

It's the first topic here, I hope that I'll get what I'm searching about

I want to send Radio wave which is able to detect our temperature. pleas could you tell me how can I do it.

do you think that it's possible??
the distance require is more than 20 meters

thank you very much
You have a temperature sensor reading a temperature and you want to wireless transmit that data. Would that be correct? You can look at devices like these. What you want to do is not really difficult but does require a working knowledge of wireless transmission of data and converting that data into something you can read. There are plenty of other ways to go about it, I am merely pointing out one family of devices.

Hello brother

thank you very much for your help

I have some information about wireless transmission and I know how it works, but the problem how can we make those type of waves able to detect the temperature.
I think that it's not easy to realise it, we should to use a new idea to do it.

do you think that ?? are you agree with my idea ??
please, if you have more details, I need to them ya brother

thank you again
thank you very much my brother

Off-the-shelf devices for this are readily available, e.g. http://uk.oregonscientific.com/cat-...Wireless-Indoor---Outdoor-Thermometer---.html
You may find it as cheap/cheaper to buy one rather than make one, but not so much fun .

thank you very much

but do you have some information about that device
I'd like to read about it ...........
I want to read about circuit that were used and how did they realise them ?? and more of details

thank you brother
do you have some information about that device
No I don't. Have you tried googling for further info or contacting the manufacturer?

You use a sensor to sense the temperature and convert it into an analog signal proportional to the temperature measured. That analog signal is converted to data. Then you wireless transmit the data. Alec gave a good and inexpensive example. There are a dozen ways to do what you want to do. I gave you a suggestion as did Alec.

No I don't. Have you tried googling for further info or contacting the manufacturer?

Hello brother
of course I have tried but I wanna collect lots of details because I'd like to develop it
I need to ciruits which were used and how is its function

I want to do another one like it but it detects the temperature of people who live in that area

thank you again brother

hello again

But ya brother I wanna realise a device like it but to detect the temperature by the Radio wave
I don't want to use the sensor to sense the temperature.
e.g. I want to send my radio waves and by those waves I will mesure the temperature everywhere //I mean everywhere indoor//

thank you very much

The start of any electronic temperature process is a temperature sensor. Radio waves do not detect temperature. Radio waves do not transmit temperature. Radio waves do have a frequency that you make no mention of. You can't use a radio wave to sense temperature. It works the way I told you it works. I wish you good luck.


Hello everyone here
I think you for your work with me but I think that you didn't figure out my idea

I want to use this mathod to detect people temperature
for exemple, when I mesure the temperature of my area including people who are living in that area I will be able to mesure their temeperature Because our temeperature is between 36.5 and 37 c
So I will be able to detect people who are living in such place

I hope that you understand what is my target ??
I'm sure we understand your target, but do you understand the advice you've been given? 'Radio' waves are not affected by temperature. Perhaps you are thinking of infra-red radiation?
IR Imaging, thermal imaging?

The temperatures you mention are internal human body temperatures. They are not indicative of the skin temperature of a human body or how much heat a human body gives off or radiates. Radio waves do not measure temperature.

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