a cool idea?

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New Member
hey guys, any body got a cool idea to design using the pic16f877?
i mean smthng if people see would go :shock: wowowowow!!!

ofcourse im a beginner, so if u have any idea post the schematic

you can do alot of things with the 877 that would make people go wow. but be a more specific. what type of application do you think would impress your audience? a web server based on the 877 would be a great thing in front of some IT experts but it wont be of any importance to a power electronics guy!

check out the EPE magazine. they have lots of projects based on the 877. plus EPE has a great series of articles and lots more.
There are lot of things u can do with a PIC16F877. I made a 16 by 64 LED Display board, to display scrollinmg mesages and symbols.

And currently doing a ECG monitor to display the waceform on a PDA.
how about maing a robot folow an ultrassonic transmiter(a dog wistle wod do)

or an ultrasonic radar.it wod have an transmiter and reciver on an steper motor that wod rotate it around.the pic wod mesure how long it tock for the signal to eco back and then you wod download the data from the PIC to the PC and it wod show the shape of the room.

Hows that to make your frends go wow.Just how suprised they wod be wen they first see an thingy rotate 360° and then the shaspe of the room wod apear on the screen of your PC
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