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Anyone have idea what this is?

square SOT block 3 pins on one and 3 pins on other side (6 pins total)
first line: 87SM
second line: TWN

thanks in advance
ericgibbs said:
The are 'inline' interference suppressors, for two and three core cables.
They are wound is such a 'sense' as any common mode interference is attenuated.

I understand how 126 works (3 separate 2line interference suppressors) but the 3line is evading me ... can you give me a simple 3 line example schematic with some base explanation ..

the way I understood it, 2line one can be, for example, placed on power line so the inside of the circuit will be isolated from the interferences that exist on the main power input... but .. 3line .. damn, I have no idea and the "symbol" for the 3line one does not tell me much
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