5v Voltage regulator circuits question

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Hi, I would like to power my circuit board. My voltage source is 6v Sealed Lead Acid Battery. There's no problem powering microcontroller and RF Transceiver module but the problem is in powering the camera. The camera needs 5v and 2A to operate. My 7805 can only power it for 1A. Can anyone suggest with what to do with this one? Any answers will be gladly appreciated
It will take what it needs upto 3A... so if your camera takes like 500mA in standby then it will only draw that much.

3A is the max the circuit can pull.
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Woaw just noticed you cant use it tho. It has a input minimum of 7.5v.. ill find you another one
Hi I looked at the stores available in the country but they're not offering this kind of regulator IC. Any more suggestion?
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