Hi, I have a 48V transformer @ 95VA, and would like to get 48VDC for a fan I have, as well as ~5-18VDC for a small PWM controller I've designed for said fan. I'm thinking that if I got the 48VDC, I could probably simply use a LM317 to drop the 48 to 15 or so.
Right now, I have a rectifier and 2200µF capacitor on the transformer, and am thus getting about 67VDC, so I need to drop about 20V. FYI, my fan is ~0.75A. The PWM controller is basically a 555 circuit driving a MOSFET (IRFZ46 or the like), and I'd expect less than 0.2A draw on that end of things. Speaking of which, does anyone see a problem using the 5-18VDC from the 555 to switch the 48V line with the MOSFET? I'm very experienced with using MOSFETs, so I want to make sure I'm not going to fry anything
Right now, I have a rectifier and 2200µF capacitor on the transformer, and am thus getting about 67VDC, so I need to drop about 20V. FYI, my fan is ~0.75A. The PWM controller is basically a 555 circuit driving a MOSFET (IRFZ46 or the like), and I'd expect less than 0.2A draw on that end of things. Speaking of which, does anyone see a problem using the 5-18VDC from the 555 to switch the 48V line with the MOSFET? I'm very experienced with using MOSFETs, so I want to make sure I'm not going to fry anything