36KHz Ir rc5 send ATTiny45

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this sample is to send any rc5 code without Keyboard is adaptation of ATTiny2313 sample

'Name                     : 36KHzKey6.bas
'By Mic-Josi 2013/02 build 1.0
'Language BASCOM AVR build  Demo Version
'purpose                  : RC5 code 36KHz by Timer0 CTC mode
'micro                    : ATTINY45
'suited for demo          : yes
'sample adaptation of sample  RC5 ATTiny2313 "rc_tx1a.bas"who run with 12 keys' keyboard  
'this sample run without keyboard only set "Key" for command and Rc5_address for device
'in this sample the French TV channel is selectionned "Key = 6" 
'you must Setting a Divide clock by 8 FuseBit to OFF 

$regfile = "attiny45.dat"                                   ' microcontroler

$crystal = 8000000                                          '8 Mhz internal oscillateur 

'****** you can also use theses settings with an ATTiny13******* not tested
$hwstack = 16                                               '  use 16 for the hardware stack

$swstack = 16                                               '  use 16 for the SW stack

$framesize = 16                                             ' use 16 for the frame space
Dim Key As Byte Simule L                                    'simulate keyboard key pressed 
Dim Rc5_bit_nr As Byte                                      ' device adresse  "0 = TV"
Dim Toggle_bit As Boolean                                   ' repeating key
Dim Rc5_address As Byte                                     ' channel selection "6"
"Dim Rc5_command As Byte

Const Carrier_on = &B01000000                               'IR 36kHz carrier on
Const Carrier_off = &B11000000                              'IR 36 KHz carrier off

Declare Sub Logic_0                                         'bit 0
Declare Sub Logic_1                                         'bit 1

Config Timer0 = Timer , Prescale = 1 , Compare A = Toggle , Clear Timer = 1
Timer0 = 0

'110 = 36KHz   104 = 38 KHz
 Ocr0a = 110                                                '36KHz carrier

Tccr0a = Carrier_off
Toggle_bit = 1                                              ' ask for répétition
Rc5_address = 0                                             ' TV device
  Key = 6                                                   ' channel 6
  Waitms 1

   Ddrb.0 = 1
                                             'set OC0 (Pb.1) = IR LED carrier out 
    Logic_1                                                 '1er start bit
    Logic_1                                                 'second start bit
    If Toggle_bit = 0 Then Logic_0 Else Logic_1
     Rc5_command = Lookup(key , Rc5_commands)               'reding data commande RC-5
     For Rc5_bit_nr = 4 To 0 Step -1                        '5 bit addresse, msb first
      If Rc5_address.rc5_bit_nr = 0 Then Logic_0 Else Logic_1

    For Rc5_bit_nr = 5 To 0 Step -1                         '6 bit commande, msb first
      If Rc5_command.rc5_bit_nr = 0 Then Logic_0 Else Logic_1

    Tccr0a = Carrier_off
    Waitms 87                                               'trame delay 


End                                                         'end program

 Sub Logic_0
  Tccr0a = Carrier_on
  Waitus 883
  Tccr0a = Carrier_off
  Waitus 884
End Sub

Sub Logic_1
  Tccr0a = Carrier_off
  Waitus 883
  Tccr0a = Carrier_on
  Waitus 884
End Sub

Data 1 , 2 , 3 , 0                                          'column 4 not used  (3x4 keypad)
Data 4 , 5 , 6 , 0
Data 7 , 8 , 9 , 0
Data 10 , 11 , 12 , 0
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