2sc1846 transistor replacement.

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As seen in the title, I'm attempting to find a replacement for 2sc1846 (datasheet here .
It's used as a voltage regulator for an old cassette deck (Fisher CR W863R).

One of the things that has stumped me about finding a replacement is the transition frequency. Should I try and find one with a similar value? I'm not expecting it to come into play as in a voltage regulator circuit, but I can't be sure due to my lack of education in electronics.

I'm considering using BD681 as a replacement (Datasheet)
Altough it has a higher collector current.
Would this work? or will I fry everything if I use it?
The BD681 is a Darlington transistor; the 2SC1846 is not. Depending on the regulator circuit this may or may not be important.
One of the things that has stumped me about finding a replacement is the transition frequency. Should I try and find one with a similar value?

Transition frequency is of no consequence whatsoever, you just need an NPN device of a similar shape and vaguely similar power - personally I'd use a BD131, which historically was my transistor of choice in that casing (we used it as a replacement in numerous items). As a simple voltage regulator it's a VERY, VERY easy life - nothing complicated needed at all.
Thanks for the help! I ended up ordering a BD237. Here's to hoping it will work. and that the voltage regulator actually died in-circuit, and not when I removed it.
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