2 analog inputs code .. anyone please?

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New Member
hi guys ,

i am using a pic18F4520 - Micro chip.

i am trying to make a code that detects 2 inputs (Temperature sensor and an Occupancy sensor).

does anyone have any idea how to do that.

As am a beginner in this and i need to get it working before next wednesday.

Simple description:

1. Set ADC channel to Temperature sensor input.
2. Wait Tad cycles (see PIC datasheet).
3. Start A/D conversion.
4. When A/D conversion finishes, get value and store.
5. Set ADC channel to Occupancy sensor input.
6. Wait Tad cycles (see PIC datasheet).
7. Start A/D conversion.
8. When A/D conversion finishes, get value and store.
9. Repeat from step 1.

Somewhere inside this loop you'll want to use the values you got to achieve whatever function your project is meant to do.
hi what language are you using for programming? a few things to help you get started are. you have to make the ADC pins anologue as opposed to digital (see datasheet) you will have to make the anologue pins input (TRIS register). if you using C18 microchip supplies ADC libs wich may help you out

I want to use the c language , but do you think it will be the easiest to be used in my situation? coz am not really into coding =S

Thanks for the steps, but which language do i use that you think is more easier and efficient and if you can help me in it i would be thankful.
Do you no how to use VB? If so I would try Swordfish Basic and reading temp would be easy

Function ADC_value() As Word
        result = ((ADC.Read(0)*4300)/1023)/10     
End Function

Dim ADVal As Word
Dim temp As Word

// main program loop - this just simply reads a byte from a
// terminal window (for example, SerialCommunicator) and then
// echo it back...
TRISA = %00000011        // configure AN0 as an input 
ADCON1 = %00001101       // set analogue input on PORTA.0 
While true
     temp = ADC_value
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