I'm trying to convert our filtering scheme from thruhole 4 pin filter (ZJKD5103-15-01) Datasheet: https://www.myjkj.com/pdf/e9644_zjk.pdf to discrete components. So, I replicated the design in SPICE and have acheived the exact attenuation vs. frequency plot. I found the inductor to be 1uH. I verfied this in SPICE and I took the actual filter, put a frequency through it and verfied that at the specified frequency I got the expected reactance for a 1uH.
My problem is now I can't find a 1uH inductor that is about the size of a 1/4W thruhole resistor. I"m looking for at least an Amp of current.(used on power rails coming into a military keybaord). Everything I have found is HUGE. Body length is like half an inch. Does anyone know where I'm going wrong? Current technology is capable of having an inductor with such a current rating? At least I would think so.
I'm trying to convert our filtering scheme from thruhole 4 pin filter (ZJKD5103-15-01) Datasheet: https://www.myjkj.com/pdf/e9644_zjk.pdf to discrete components. So, I replicated the design in SPICE and have acheived the exact attenuation vs. frequency plot. I found the inductor to be 1uH. I verfied this in SPICE and I took the actual filter, put a frequency through it and verfied that at the specified frequency I got the expected reactance for a 1uH.
My problem is now I can't find a 1uH inductor that is about the size of a 1/4W thruhole resistor. I"m looking for at least an Amp of current.(used on power rails coming into a military keybaord). Everything I have found is HUGE. Body length is like half an inch. Does anyone know where I'm going wrong? Current technology is capable of having an inductor with such a current rating? At least I would think so.