18F's For the Pickit 2 LPC Board!!!

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Not sure if anyone as mentioned this yet, but a select few 18F's can now be used on the Pickit 2 LowPinCount demo board. The 18F1xK22's would be a drop in replacement for the 20 pin 16f690. Doesn't look like these parts are just available yet, but should be soon.

Found this out when on a whim I picked up a 18f14K50. This a $2+ 20 pin USB chip that also fits in the LPC board. You have to supply the board with a 5V source for the this chip tho, because the D+, and D- (3.3V max pins) are multiplexed with the PGD and PGC pins, nice going Microchip (probably the place to put them, just not convenient). The work around is explained on the Microchip forum here. To be safe, there is a config bit to set??, CONFIG VREGEN = ON, for the 5V part internal voltage regulator. There is a bit of discrepancy between the MPLAB config help, and the data sheet, which does not mention it.

There is in all fairness a LPC USB board just for the 18f14K50, but I like the reuse factor of the old board
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