16F88 serial comm

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New Member
OK ... i am serious here, please provide me with advice whether my assembly works for serial communication. It is basically a calculation on getting ampere hour. Here is the main part:

    add1632    Amps,AmpSum    ; AmpSum = accumulated Amps
    mov32    AmpSum,dd
    movi16    3600*3,aa    ; 3 reads per second, 3600 seconds per hour
    call    Div32        ; AmpHours = AmpSum  / (reads per hour)
    mov16    dd+2,AmpHours

	mov16	AmpHours,Number
	call	bin2dec
	movlw	' '
	call	Print_Char
	call	ShowDec2	; display "xx.xx"
	movlw	'A'
	call	Print_Char
	movlw	'h'
	call	Print_Char
And here is the assembly to display this value to the 16x2 LCD:
call    Show_AmpHours     ; "9999.9W 99.99Ah"

Now I try to send Show_AmpHours as a serial data to my RF module.
The RF module is using a BR of 9600, 8N1 setting.

And here is my attempt to send it in assembly. Please, I am a truely newbie on assembly.
I am using 16F88.

send	movwf	TXREG
	banksel	TXSTA		;bank 1

wait         btfss   TXSTA,TRMT	;loop until this bit gets set
                goto    wait		;when the shift register has been emptied 
	banksel	PORTA		;bank 0

	banksel	SPBRG		;bank 1
	movlw 	.25 		;set baud rate
	movwf 	SPBRG
	movlw 	b'00100100'	;8-bit transmit, transmitter enabled,
	movwf 	TXSTA 		;asynchronous mode, high speed mode
	banksel	PORTA		;bank 0
	movlw 	b'10010000'	;8-bit receive, receiver enabled,
	movwf	RCSTA 		;serial port enabled

message	movlw	AmpereHours		;send: 16F88 alive	
                call	send
                movlw	0x0d		;CR
	call	send

I refer this code from other site and modify it a bit. Might want to know is the code correct?
Thanks, i really appreciate ur help.
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