16 - 18 pin 16F pic for Binary Watch ?

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New Member
1) I'd like to design a small binary watch and I would
use a 4mhz internal oscillator together with a 32768hz
xtal for clock timing (also in SLEEP mode)

The problem is that most pics I have share RB6-RB7 (ICSP pins)
with the T1OSO T1OSI pins.

Are there any 16/18 pin pics in SOIC package that have separate pins
for ICSP and T1OSO T1OSI ?

2) Is it an option to use a 32768hz xtal for system clock ?
I guess instruction time is relatively long in this case?
for a pic that means only 8192 instructions / sec.
Is the pic16f882 an option? Just a heads up, as soon as you set timer1 as clock input, and the t1oscin shares pins with programming lines, you'll never get to program the chip again, just a bug.
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