12F675 Ext Oscillator Won't Work?

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Hi All,

I'm trying to get a 4Mhz external oscillator to work on a piece of code I have already got to work with the internal oscillator. I"m using C and the HIgh Tech C Compiler lite. Any thoughts on what else I need to do in my config work other than selecting XT? Code below.

#include <htc.h>

#define _XTAL_FREQ  4000000                 // oscillator frequency for delay


void CountTime(void);					   //Function responsible for doing the actual
										   //counting of time
void send_8bit_serial_data(int data);
void TurnOnLED(void);                      //Function to turn on LED once an hour has elapsed
void time_to_send_data(void);              //Function to check if it's time to send data to LCD
void WriteToEEprom(int min);               //Function to write data to EEPROM at address 0x01
void ReadFromEEprom(void);                 //Function to write data to EEPROM at address 0x01
void HexToBCD(int min);                   //Function to Convert to BCD and Transmit result to LCD

unsigned int c = 0;                        //c keeps track of how many times TMRO overflows
unsigned int hour = 0;                     //16 bit variable hour is time in hours
unsigned int min = 0;                      //16 bit variable min is time in minutes 
unsigned int data = 0;                     //buffer for RS232 data to be sent to LCD
unsigned int c2 = 0;                       //c2 keeps track of how many times TMR1 overflows                       

void main()
OPTION = 0b00000111;                       //Assigning Prescalar
          //----111-                         prescaler assigned to timer0 (PSA = 1)
                                           //prescale = 256 (PS = 111)
                                           //-> timeout = 255us
ei();					                   //all interrupts enabled(macro from High Tech C)
T0IE = 1;                                  //enable Timer0 interrupt
CMCON = 0x07;                              // Digital I/O
ANSEL = 0;                                 // Digital I/O
TRISIO = 0b00001000;                       // Set Pin I/O
STATUS = 0x00;
T1CON =0b10000101;						   //setting up Timer1

ReadFromEEprom();                          //Checking to see if this is the first powerup of chip
if(EEDATA == 0xFF){                         //if it's the first power up initialize min to 0
min = 0;
else{                                      //if it isn't the first powerup set min = to eprom data
min = EEDATA;	

//****************************   MAIN LOOP   ********************************//


//*********************  INTERRUPT SERVICE ROUTINE #1  *********************//
//Interrupt goes off whenever Timer0 overflows which is every 256uS ********//          
//given how the prescalar is set up above in OPTION ************************//                         
void interrupt Timer0(void)

//	if(c > 916)                           //bootstrap and suspenders so c doesn't overflow past 923
//	c = 0;

	while(T0IF == 1){
	T0IF = 0;                             //clear Timer0 interrupt overflow bit
    c = c + 1;                            //increase c to show Timer0 has overflowed
	while(EEIF == 1)                      //eeprom write finished bit
	EEIF = 0;                             //clear it for next write


//***********************  COUNTING TIME FUNCTION  ************************//

void CountTime(void)
	while(c == 916){ 
				c = 0;                   //c ranges from 0-59 to simulate seconds
				min = min + 1;           //it clears seconds to start counting again
                WriteToEEprom(min);      //update eeprom with min value
	while(min == 60){                    //min value ranges from 0-59 to simulate minutes
			    hour = hour + 1;         //it clears minutes to start counting again
			    min = 0;

/************    TURN ON LED FUNCTION     **********************/
void TurnOnLED(void){

CMCON = 0x07;                            // Digital I/O
ANSEL = 0;                               // Digital I/O
TRISIO = 0b00001000;                     // Set Pin I/O
STATUS = 0x00;
GPIO = 1;                                //Turn LED on
for(;;) {                                //keep it on forever

/***********    SERIAL TRANSMITTER FUNCTION   ********************/
void send_8bit_serial_data(int data)
   unsigned char i;
   GPIO = 0;						     //start bit from high to low
   _delay(390);                          //delay to sync loop	
   for(i = 0; i < 8; i++)
       if (data & 0x01){			    // consider rightmost bit
          GPIO = 1;                     // set line high if bit is 1, low if bit is 0
          GPIO = 0;
          _delay(390);                  //delay to sync loop
 		  data >>= 1;                   // shift byte left so next bit will be leftmost
    GPIO = 1;						    //stop bit
    _delay(400);                        //delay to sync loop

/*********  CHECKING IF TIME TO TRANSMIT FUNCTION  **************/
void time_to_send_data(void)
while(TMR1IF == 1){                      //checking overflow bit on Timer1
	TMR1IF = 0;                          //clearing overflow bit
	c2 = c2 + 1;                         //increment counter(c2)

while(c2 == 100){                          //change c2 = 10,000 for about 10 mins
    c2 = 0;                              //clear c2 to continue counting again
	data = min;                          //shove minute into data buffer

	//HexToBCD(hour);						 //converts to BCD and trasmits to LCD

/************    WRITING TO THE EEPROM    **********************/

void WriteToEEprom(min)
EEADR =  0b00000001;                       //location where data goes in memory
EEDATA = min;                              //set data into eeprom data reg.
WREN = 1;                                  //enable write cycle
di();									   //disable all interrupts
EECON2 = 0x55;						       //unlock write(aling with this line
EECON2 = 0xAA;							   //the following 2 lines are required
WR = 1;	                                   //to start write seq. WR starts write
ei();                                      //enable all interrupts
WREN = 0;                                  //disable write cycle

/************    READING FROM THE EEPROM    **********************/
void ReadFromEEprom(void)
RP0 = 1;                                   //register bank select bit(bank 1)
EEADR = 0b00000001;                        //setting the address to be accessed in EEPROM
RD = 1;                                    //Enabling/Performing a read to EEADR
min = EEDATA;                              //loading whats in EEPROM to min


/************* LCD Stuff   ***********************/

void HexToBCD(min){
unsigned int division = 0;
unsigned int min2 = 0;
unsigned int division2 = 0;

	GPIO = 1;
	data = 0xFE;                         //clear screen
	data = 0x51;

	data = 0xFE;
	data = 0x46;
	send_8bit_serial_data(data);         //set curson home

min2 = min;

division = min2 / 10000;
division = division + 0x30;
data = division;

division = min2 % 10000;
division = division / 1000;
division = division + 0x30;
data = division;

division = min2 % 1000;
division = division / 100;
division = division + 0x30;
data = division;

division = min2 % 100;
division = division / 10;
division = division + 0x30;
data = division;

division = min2 % 10;
division = division / 1;
division = division + 0x30;
data = division;

data = 0xFE;                          //move curson one space to right
    data = 0x4A;                          
	data = 0x4D;							//put a M to LCD
	data = 0x69;                            //put a i to LCD
	data = 0x6E;                            //put a n to LCD
//	data = 0x72;							//put a u to LCD
//	send_8bit_serial_data(data);
//	data = 0x73;                            //put a t to LCD
//	send_8bit_serial_data(data);


27 pf. Though, I made an interesting discovery.

I"m using PIcKit2 to program my PIC12F675. So I clicked on the configuration word in the PIckit 2 Programmer GUI and saw that my _config bits are not getting set right. So, I changed them in the GUI. Loaded the hex into chip and waaallaaaa. It now works with the external crystal. I wonder why I have to do this manually. I must be doing something wrong in my config? Looks like I need to look at the High Tech C manual

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