
  1. M

    How to read RFID tag by ATmega32 using Codevision ?

    Hey there, I wanna know how to write a code by Codevision for reading RF01D data... I know I should use USART...that's all I know... It's an ATmega 32 and RF01D in first step what changes should I apply on Codewizard? thanks
  2. atmega + HC05

    hello everyone.. i was trying to interface HC-05 bluetooth module with atmega8. F_CPU=1MHz and baud rate for communication is 9600. i have a led at PORTB pin 0 and i will use any bluetooth app from play store to turn the led on or off. usart.h void usart_init(uint16_t ubrr_value) { UBRRL =...
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