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  • Welcome to our site! Electro Tech is an online community (with over 170,000 members) who enjoy talking about and building electronic circuits, projects and gadgets. To participate you need to register. Registration is free. Click here to register now.


  1. A

    Issues in PIC16F1503

    I am using PIC16F1503 for my automotive application. I want to understand few things:- 1)I have gone through through the schematic present in the "". In this, PIC 16F1503 is not having external oscillator. I want to know if it is...
  2. hesam_m

    USB to UART Converter using Microchip MCP2200

    Nowadays USB port is used widely for data transactions between electronic devices and computers. In many scenarios, there is no need to communicate with the USB port directly, therefore electronic designers use USB to UART (RS232-Serial) converter chips, so the USB port is converted to a virtual...
  3. M

    Problem using UART0 in TM4C123 Tiva C Launch Pad

    I'm trying to interface UART0 with the my laptop using the ICDI the code I used is from Mazidi's book : #include <stdint.h> #include "tm4c123gh6pm.h" void UART0Tx(char c); void delayMs(int n); int main(void) { SYSCTL->RCGCUART |= 1; /* provide clock to UART0 */ SYSCTL->RCGCGPIO |= 1; /*...
  4. O

    UART or I2C sensor version?

    Hello! The tfmini is an IR lidar sensor. There is a UART and an I2C version, quite at the same price. For my project, I need 2 tfmini hooked up to an Arduino UNO with a +/- 1m cable. I've been doing some tests with 2 tfmini UART versions and it works fine following the example...
  5. P

    Program controls jumps to interrupt handler after RCSTA1 = 0x90;

    Hey guys, I am using pic18f25k80 microcontroller and XC8 compiler for my development. The control of the program jumps from RCSTA1 = 0x90; to interrupt handler when debugged. The TX1IF flags gets sets every time when RCSTA1 = 0x90;. Any idea guys? #include <xc.h> #define _XTAL_FREQ 8000000UL...
  6. A

    UART Communication between GSM and GPS

    UART Communication between GSM and GPS I want to establish a UART Communication between GSM and GPS. The Supply Voltage of GPS is 3.3V. The Supply Voltage of GSM is 3.8V. The measured RX/TX Voltage Levels of GPS is 2.8V and 0V (for logic High and logic Low). The measured RX/TX Voltage Levels...
  7. Q

    16f877a gettin string from uart and need to convert them through ascii[SOLVED]

    hello everyone; im going to build a code file for my pic16f877a but i stacked and i need some help :) im want to build a code for get ascii via uart from pc. for example; im want to read a string from pc which is like "Q45" and then i want to convert it to ascii codes[example:Q-->81 , 4-->52 ...
  8. A

    UART interface with PIC16F886

    I am trying uart serial communication on pIC16F886 . I am using 20Mhz external oscillator frequency.For below code i am getting garbage value. i have tested similar code on PIC18F24K40 where i am using 16Mz internal oscillator where i can able to send and receive data with same hardware . Here...
  9. G

    How to read a data frame PC serial over PIC UART

    Hi folks, I am trying to send a data frame over uart of pic12F1572. I want to send an frame from PC terminal [I use Hterm] in the format "RGBFF00F0\n" and receive it at PIC. I have done code but somehow I found it's not working anyone have the idea? a code ,hint or solution is highly appreciated...
  10. C

    r_sci_uart_cfg.h not found error with SCI UART

    Hello, Using starter kit SK-S7G2 (from Renesas) I'm designing a program based on SCI UART, but when building i get an error: r_sci_uart_cfg.h not found. Has anyone observed this error and/or have a recommendation/solution? Thank You, -Calvin

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