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Which microcontroller should I use for my projectm

    Blog entry posted in 'Which microcontroller should I use for my projectm', May 19, 2017.

    I'm fairly new to microcontrollers and have read multiple guides, although still asking the question.
    I have used Arduino for quite a long time and have developed some product concept. I am only 14 years old though.
    I am currently developing a wearable project, therefore size, weight, and battery are huge constraints.
    My project will include; Touch OLED, Gyro, IR LED and receiver.
    As I have used Arduino, I am quite familiar with the Arduino offset of C++.
    It will be appreciated if the MCU has example codes/ others have used similar components.
    Could you please help me on both; hardware and software.

    Thankyou in advance.

    DerStrom8, February 13, 2018
    Please post this to the "Electronic Projects/Design/Reviews" forum if you haven't already. It does not belong as a blog post. Thank you.

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