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The_Post_Apocalyptic_Inventor: 001

    Blog entry posted in 'The_Post_Apocalyptic_Inventor', February 17, 2014.


    This is my new Blog coinciding with the launch of my new Electronics Channel on Youtube.

    I'm into electrical engineering for many years. Literally living in my own laboratory I constantly work on different projects and generate even more ideas for yet more projects. The internet and some video-equipment gives me now finally the capability to let others partake in this "life of the other kind" as you could call it.

    As of today the first 10 videos are online on Youtube.

    The first video I completed is named " Hidden RFID tags in your Everyday Life" it deals with my experience of finding an RFID tag in a sweater that I had just bought. It also covers an explanation of the principle operation of RFID.


    That event was the trigger for the development of two electronic devices:

    The "RFID tag detector" is a device with the purpose of finding RFID-tags that are hidden in your stuff. I cover the ideas behind and the building process of it in 4 videos, starting with this one:


    The "RFID Zapper" is a device designed for the purpose of destroying or disabling these "hidden RFID tags". The topic needed 3 videos to be covered. This is part 1 of 3:


    I took me many ours to make these videos. I didn't just want to show how I build the device, but also put a lot of effort into explaining the workings of the final circuit, the physical principles behind it and the design decisions I made along the way.

    If you like these videos then please don't forget to watch all the followups too.

    Many new videos will be uploaded soon. The next videos however won't deal with RFID any longer. Instead it will be all about a home made wind turbine that I'm working on right now. I will explain the physics behind wind turbines, the different kinds of rotors that can be used and so on. I will also upload a whole series of videos about switched mode power supplies.

    So if you think this sounds interesting then please visit my Youtube-channel "The_Post_Apocalyptic_Inventor" and tell me what you think about my projects right here on on Youtube...

    Kind regards.


    fezder, February 21, 2014
    nice videos. hopefully they stay in 'tube...

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