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Re-organized ''shop'' (lab)

    Blog entry posted in 'Lab equipment', December 21, 2014.

    Okay, time for small update, as i made quite work to re-organize my stuff in my room, which is also my lab.
    pictures tell much, so here goes:
    Here's my main unit, measurements, soldering, 'scoping ' teardowns, you name it. Even arduino stuff take place here, occasionally.
    Stuff on top of the shelf are pretty much ''spare'' equipment, and stuff i don't need that often, like 48v psu and arduino stuff (i do have those too in couple other places, but that shelf is pretty filled with elextonic stuff, like heatshrinks, 12v fuses and other hardware
    so the stuff i do use regularly are all those soldering stations, (that hot-air one is great for heatshrinks, torch is for creating hot knife like for uv-cable sleeves.)
    that big brick under desoldering-station is 15kw programmable psu (cs/cv and otp/ocp/ovp ALL in same package!) other newbie btw is on backcround, fm-generator. Now then, another newbie, Rigols 4chan/50mhz digital 'scope, which i tell about later.
    there are also screw-assortment and ''trick''-wire (normal plastic-coated metal wire) mounted with screws.
    ps:sorry wolf, your psu is not stored here :).
    installed also this kind of measurement cable rack. order as follows, left to right: 'scope probes, couple wall-warts, bnc-cables, and normal banana-plug cables
    and that speaker is made by me, part of mine 5.1 audio system (yeah, i do listen music a lot....)
    this is my other hobby, well partially this too is electronics, right?. but that's my computer, installed on wall-shelf. shelf itself is not done yet, needs final touch via borders. This rig looks cool in dark, especially with those uv-cables!
    this is my main storage for components, screwdriver racks also in picture. I mostly use nowadays only wera-brand. expensive, but worth every penny
    and here's my computer desk, subwoofer under the table, and battery charger on table. and 6x9 4-drive speakers (made by me....)
    Here'e another new addition, (thanks keepitsimplestupid for tip!) brother p-type laberer-machine, very handy in, well, labeling. other that that, there's nylon standoffs, over that hex-screws, and next to them are my ic-box

    again, thanks for interest! :)

    killivolt, December 24, 2014
    Looks like my desk at the old TV shop; but I never thought about multiple small containers to warehouse my components. Thanks:) Good job. kv
    fezder, December 24, 2014
    glad it helped! only bad thing about these are price IMO. i should buy at least 1 more (or two....)

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