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Shortcut to 'performance options'?

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In Windows XP/2000 how do you open 'performance options' (in system properties) from either a run command/path thingy or by somehow making a file shortcut.

I think the run command is something like rundll32.exe shell32.dll,Control_RunDLL somethinghere
performance options runs under rundll32.exe but even though its part of system properties it opens from a button instead of being on a tab itself so it may not be sysdm.cpl but something different, in windows vista and higher its systempropertiesperformance.exe

To get onto tab 3 of sysdm.cpl you add it where 'somethinghereis' then add,3 however since the button for performance options is on that tab I think there will be a new command all together now.

The actual link to it is in control panel>performance and maintenance>adjust visual styles (tab1) however dragging that link into notepad or onto the desktop does nothing.

There may be a namespace for it but tying to find it is very difficult as they are in hexadecimal and don't tell us much.

Regards, Tt

In Windows XP/2000 how do you open 'performance options' (in system properties) from either a run command/path thingy or by somehow making a file shortcut.

I think the run command is something like rundll32.exe shell32.dll,Control_RunDLL somethinghere
performance options runs under rundll32.exe but even though its part of system properties it opens from a button instead of being on a tab itself so it may not be sysdm.cpl but something different, in windows vista and higher its systempropertiesperformance.exe

To get onto tab 3 of sysdm.cpl you add it where 'somethinghereis' then add,3 however since the button for performance options is on that tab I think there will be a new command all together now.

The actual link to it is in control panel>performance and maintenance>adjust visual styles (tab1) however dragging that link into notepad or onto the desktop does nothing.

There may be a namespace for it but tying to find it is very difficult as they are in hexadecimal and don't tell us much.

Regards, Tt


Click start button

Right clk "my computer"

Select "properties"

Click "advanced" tab

If I remember...there's a performance "settings" button.

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Try this: rundll32.exe shell32.dll,Control_RunDLL sysdm.cpl,,3

To automate it, I dare say you could just save this in a batch file, or if you're really adventurous, you could write a vbs script to click your way through the tabs and buttons :)
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