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Electronic harrassment...seriously

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New Member
At the risk of sounding like a complete lunatic, I am being , for lack of better terminology, electronically harassed in my home.
Someone is bombarding my home with what I can only describe as a high pitched noise(I measured it at about 12,000hz).
It not only rattles my nerves, but causes me extreme physical pain.
I am deadly serious.
They also speak to me through this tech, whatever it is.
Happens 24/7.
I have been threatened with death.
I have been told they are going to take my property from me.
This has cause me extreme stress, to say the least.
This noise moves around the room like a freakin' ghost, and has scared me nearly to death a number of times.
It's the most intensely evil thing I have ever encountered.

So, what is this?
I promise you, I am not an irrational man, nor am I a mental patient.
I do not wear a foil beanee.

Cops will not take me seriously, and PI's won't return my calls.

I need to find a way to stop this.
Can anybody tell me what is going on here, and what tech would/could be used to do this sort of thing?
I can feel your pain. i do have tinnitus at 2600 hz. I dont hear buzzers very well and the noise is annoying, Medical blunder. Antibiotics for too long. Incompetent HMO.

My current problem is a seeming low frequency noise that like you, no one else can hear. My elderly mom can hear it "sometimes". it does go away, but prevents me from sleeping. I can feel it on the floor sometimes in my feet as a vibration. neighbors can;t hear it.. it's worse inside. Possibly due to the glass windows. it has a direction unlike tinnitus. Seems like it's coming from outside. Outside it's softer.

Fix at night, when it's most bothersome. Listen to youtube rain with dark screen with headphones and drown it out. Music with headphones can drown it out too (youtube). Noise cancelling headset won;t work. I have not been able to measure it (scope or SPL meter) yet.

For you, when it happens, I would cut power to the entire house and see if it goes away. Switching power supplies in ligt bulbs, power bricks and CRT's can be an issue. if it goes away, then try to locate it.

I know i have tinnitus at 2600 Hz because of a hearing test 20+ years ago. Nothing recent. Although considering it.

Right now, it's bedtime and have to do something.
Oh, I have tried cutting power off and all that.
This is deliberate.
If I turn up the music, they get much louder. This nonsense makes my muscles cramp, and make me dizzy.
Like I said, I can hear it move about the room, like a ghost. It's utterly terrifying.
I am trying to find out what type of tech someone would use to do this, and how to detect it.
I have heard about DEW's and all that. I just don't know where to start.
If you were able to measure 12kHz then it should be possible to record the sound(s). If you can do this it would prove to be a very useful tool in not only stopping it, but also ensuring those responsible are brought to justice.
Luckily for me (or not), I can't hear anything over about 3kHz so never going to have this problem. Yay, found an advantage of being deaf.

How old are you? Are you sure it is genuine exterior sound?

How did you measure the frequency?

Tinitus is a bad thing when you do not recognize it as such.

Some months ago I had very bad experiences for few weeks on account that I am almost deaf.
With the power off, go outside the house - do you still hear it? If so, go from one side of the house to the other and check for the sound. Then, go up and down the street. This will determine if the sound is from outside or central to your house. When cutting power, is it all power (main breaker feeding the house)? It could be the power transformer outside the house, in which case the sound would be stronger outside.
Not enough diagnosis on your behalf, test where the sound is strongest then report back. If the sound is the same everywhere, even outside, then it is more likely an ear/ tinnitus issue.
I looked in Google at Tinnitus and it showed 10 causes that start with old age then it included high blood pressure and taking aspirin and other daily medications.
I am 75 years old and have tinnitus at about 10kHz to 15kHz. It does not threaten me with death, I simply live with it and the daily aspirin blood pressure medication that keeps me from having a second heart attack. My hearing aids allow me hear more important things like speech and music.
put an audio spectrum analyzer program on a laptop computer and plug in a microphone. in the analyzer software set the sample rate at 96khz. sounds above 5khz are directional so you can selectively shield the microphone with your hand and see a) if there's actually something there, and b) locate it's source. a 12khz tone would show up as a single spike at 12khz on the display. if there actually is something there you might see additional spikes at harmonics of 12khz, primarily at 24 and 36khz... you might see a spike at 48khz if you used a sampling rate of 96khz, but that's 1/2 the sampling rate and is an artifact of the sampling.
You don't live near the US embassy in Cuba do you?:) Have an exterminator come and look for a bee or wasp colony in your walls.
If you're referencing Havana Syndrome ( a term I heard in a December 2020 newscast), that issue has yet to be resolved.
If you hear the annoying sounds at set times or intervals, and can record it, the pattern would reveal the culprit's actions and history.
When the annoying sounds arise, go outside your home and look in your neighbor's windows for faces, shadows, voices or window setups featuring parabolic dishes or long rod antennae. Then call your local law enforcement agency to report the suspicious activity. If their visit won't diminish the annoyance, then local media influence and revelation can assist you in tracking down the culprit(s) and other victims may emerge with their stories.
The OP seems to have disappeared since asked how he measured the frequency. Guess he realised he/she had been caught out.

Someone with mental health issues told me that his paranoia medication simply made him feel like he didn't need to get angry or afraid about the people that keep watching him.
This nonsense makes my muscles cramp, and make me dizzy.
then again it could be severe dehydration note to OP if he ever comes back... drink a couple of quarts (or liters) of water over the period of an hour or two and see if it helps....
I think it's time to lock this thread down. No need to bash the OP.
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